by Linda Loh, Susie Leahy Raleigh, Veronica Caven Aldous and Yinghong Sophia Li
Four artists who experiment with the perceptions and experiences of colour have collaborated to form intoxication. Using light boxes, coloured ink on Perspex and vivid photography, they explore their personal relationships with colour through the way it affects visual and bodily responses. The various mediums and approaches aspire and allude to reverie. Functioning together, the works invite connections between the ideas of experience and materiality.
InHAIRent Sameness
by Christy Shapley
InHAIRent Sameness seeks to disturb our systems of body identity. Shapley plays with ideas of personal comfort and space through the juxtapositions of attraction and disgust. By placing beauty, intimacy and repulsion in the same place, Shapley attempts to dissolve the acceptable perimeters between living and dead, human and animal, clean and defiled, male and female, natural and supernatural.